Shipping Policies
- We use UPS GROUND for all domestic shipments unless otherwise requested.
- Shipping costs cannot be refunded.
- Sales tax will be charged on all shipments in OH.
Next Day Shipping
Next day air shipping is available for orders received before 1 PM Eastern time. Orders received after 1 PM will normally ship within 48 hours.
Expedited Freight
UPS GROUND service is usually 1-5 days depending on distance. If you require a shipment to arrive by a certain date, please call us at 614-836-2677 for a shipping quote.
Packing Error
If your shipment arrives incomplete or a packing error has been made please contact us at 614-836-2677.
Shipping Damage
If there is damage to the exterior of the shipping box or concealed interior damage, please contact us at 614-836-2677 immediately and save all packaging materials! We will contact the shipper to initiate the claim process, who will then set up a time with you to perform an inspection of the package and contents. Once the claim is validated, the package will be picked up and returned to us. After receipt, we will ship your replacement.
UPS will provide each customer the ability to track their own product.